Monday, March 7, 2011

Four Eyes!

Today I had my eye exam. Yup, as I suspected, I need glasses. Apparently, I have one eye that looks higher than the other one, causing me to strain focusing on things. I don't have to have a high prescription, but glasses none the less. Its a good think I can rock glasses *giggle* cause I'm not going to lie...I'm vain. I do care about my looks, and I am not a fan of looking like a geek. No offense to those geeks out there, it just simply isn't my style. LoL

Anyway, I never want to have my eyes dilated again. They are still dilated and its been over 12hrs. My husband was pissed because they told me I was okay to drive home. I knew you shouldn't, but they gave the okay. I made it safely, but my husband was upset because they shouldn't have. Its a liability on them if anything did happen, it would be on their heads, not mine. I'm just happy nothing happened, everyone is safe.