Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I'm working overtime galore. We put the offer in and got denied yesterday. We aren't upset over it though...it gives us more time to save up...then we can save even more for a down and get a better house or a better interest rate for paying more than the bare minimum. So, anyways, now I'm working as much overtime as I can handle. I think I'm going to sick with 6 days every week for the next month or two. Matthew might be going to San Diego and if that happens then I will work 3 weeks straight unless I can go down there for my flex weekend, then I will take those four days off to see him. Anyways, I have to finish getting ready for work, but that's whats going on. I will post more info later.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wish us luck...

Today we put in an offer, for the first time, on a house. Its a really cute house...1700 sq ft of living space, 3 bed room, 1 3/4 bath, my country style kitchen that looks almost identical to the one in the house on Boston we fell so in love with. Its awesome. Needs a little work to make it exactly what we want, but not as much as other houses we have seen. We don't have our hopes too high because we are aware that there are 3 people that have put in offers on this house and its only been on the market for a week. Basically its a first and final, bank owned house, so if they don't like our offer, there is no counter offer that will come back...either we have it or don't. I hope we get it, but at the same time we are still $2400 short and have 45-60 days to come up with it so, I don't know...we will see. Either way, everybody wish us luck. Whats really weird...the number is 608 and was built in 1986 (our apartment address number and the year I was born)...hmm could it be a sign???

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lisa & Samatha's Day

Samantha moved back from Missouri to California. I hadn't seen her in several months, so we decided to set up a play date. We hung out and talked for a couple hours, got some sweet tea from Pony Espresso, and went out and took some pictures. It was soo much fun. Definitely need to do it again sometime. ;) I took these ones myself because Matthew was at work...we will do another shoot and they will turn out much better. LOL

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our trip this weekend

Well...I had to take my wedding ring to Bakersfield Kay Jewelers to be inspected and they said that there were a couple of loose diamonds so they had to send it out. Friday, I got a call that my ring was back and ready for pick up...so we headed to Bakersfield, picked up my ring, browsed around a bit, and then got Panda Express for dinner. Then, we headed to Isabella and stayed the night at Matts parents house. They are in Alaska, but said that we are welcome to stay there anytime while they are gone. We watched a movie and then went to bed. This morning, we got ready and headed up toward the 100 Giants and took pictures and explored. We went to this field of flowers to take pictures and there was a family there doing the same...well they had this gorgeous boxer puppy, but the dog was having allergies and started making weird noises which freaked out the little girl and had her crying saying that the dog got stung by a bee and is allergic...drama queen you could imagine, the little boy was having all sorts of attitude with the mom who was psycho, and when they got to their truck the dad started yelling and freaking out...it was awkward. One happy family. LOL. Anyways, we started heading back and Matthew wanted to go to a nice restaurant, he suggested Ewings, not remembering exactly what the food was like, well....put it this way, it was a $40 dinner and tasted like dirt. It was awful, but didn't ruin our day, we stopped and played with some cows LOL, I know sounds weird, but we wanted to take pictures of the baby calves and the cows were all huddling around us and posing for Matthew. It was cute. Although we had a wonderful trip, its always nice to come home. Home Sweet Home.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

In a skirt!?

That's right...Lisa is in a skirt
and actually likes it. LOL

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Just got back from Bakersfield. We originally were going because a friend, from Matthew's younger days, wanted pictures done of her two kids. Well, unfortunately, she found out, one of them has arthritis in her hip. Only 2 years old. :(
So, we went anyways and made a shopping day out of it. Besides, it is close to August and I needed to get my ring checked up. So, I went to Kay Jeweler and dropped of my ring. There were a couple of loose diamonds, so they had to sent it out. I'm without my ring for 2 weeks while they repair it. I feel so naked. :( Matt and I spent a little too much money on clothes, but its not often that we get to splurge. Better to do it and enjoy it now, because once we have a house payment, our disposable income will be no more. I got 4 shirts, a skirt, a dress, lip gloss, and sandals and Matthew got 2 hats, a pair of board shorts, and 2 pairs of pants. We went to Isabella and visited with Brian and Danielle for a bit and then headed home. Now, we are at Jim and Marya's house watching the UFC fight on pay preview. Its been a busy, but fun day.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Just Went Public

I just made my myspace profile and photos public...now all my friends and family can take a look at our fun pictures of family, friends, our wedding, honeymoon, and micellaneous.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Best 4th of July EVER!

We had the best fourth ever. We went to Jim and Marya's, brought Elizabeth and James with us. We BBQ'd, played in the pool, played poker, and set off lots of fireworks. It was awesome! Unfortunately, we were having so much fun, I didnt get any pictures. Anyways, that was our fourth. Hope everyones went as well as ours did.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Happy Fourth of July!
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Fourth of July. Matthew and I will be hanging out with some friends, bbq'ing and playing in the pool until it gets dark and then its firework time! I'm so excited! Cant wait to get this show on the road. Expect lots of pictures...
Reminiscing: Our first Fourth of July was spent with Matthew taking care of me while I had a bad kidney infection. We made it to the firework show with Aimee, but I felt like I was dying so we didn't have as much fun as we wanted. The second fourth was spent at my mom's house, except Matthew had to work till 9pm so he didn't get to spend much time with us before the firework show that seems to get lower and lower every year. So, we are very excited about this years fourth. Its going to be so much fun and memorable.